Dospod E51


Beth Demme Blog

For the first time ever, Steph and I host two special guests at the same time, twin sisters Pam Bates and Paula Patty. We ask all the questions people want to ask twins but don’t for fear of sounding foolish or impertinent. Do they sometimes feel each other’s pain? Do they have the same likes and dislikes? Did they choose similar men for husbands?

Pam and Paula have just released their first book, The Most Amazing Harvest: The Man Behind the Story. The book is the story of an amazing community event that happened when Pam’s late husband Carl was diagnosed with terminal cancer shortly before harvest time. Pam and Paula talk with Steph and me about what it was like to collaborate on their book and what it’s like to collaborate on life together.

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Click here to read more about the episode and get our Questions for Reflection.