Some words trigger an involuntary reaction or feeling in us. In this episode, Steph and I share personal experiences with words that bother us. For me, it’s hearing someone claim the Bible CLEARLY says something. For Steph, it’s being called GIRL. For both of us, it’s being told we SHOULD do or say something. Sometimes trigger words are a minor annoyance, but sometimes they relate to past trauma and harm. How do we identify our triggers and communicate with others about them? How do we respect other people’s triggers? And, have we collectively become too sensitive? Steph and I talk about all of this and more in Episode 111.
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Join our community at BuyMeACoffee for access to a downloadable PDF of this episode’s Questions for Reflection:
1. Can you think of a moment in your life when you made the decision to live?
2. What brave decisions have you made?
3. How has your family dynamic shaped who are you today?
4. What did you hear in Ryan’s story that had an impact on you?