
Discovering Our Scars Podcast, Episode 116

Beth Demme Blog

When Steph was in the mental hospital, Pastor Matt visited her. He brought her clothes and the journal that ended up being the beginning of her book, Discovering My Scars. You heard Steph’s side of the story in Episode 2 and here you can hear Matt’s side of Steph’s story. How did they end up in the same city? How did he know she was in the mental hospital? What did he think when he heard where she was and why? How did it feel for him to see her at her worst? Pastor Matt answers these questions and more. As always, the episode ends with Questions for Reflection, inviting you to apply the conversation in your own life.

Ratings and reviews are welcome, or you can leave a comment on the episode page at dospod.us.

Click here to read more about the episode and access the show notes and transcript.

Join our community at BuyMeACoffee for access to a downloadable PDF of this episode’s Questions for Reflection:

  1. What did you take from hearing Matt’s side of Steph’s story today?
  2. Have you ever wanted to hear someone else’s side of your story? Have you reached out to them? Why or why not?
  3. Can you think of a time when you tried to be helpful, but still felt helpless?
  4. Have you ever been shown love or kindness by another person while you were at your lowest? Reflect on that. How did it make you feel?