Jesus Is Authority and Mystery By Beth Demme Jesus is an interesting mix of authority and mystery. In Mark 1:21-28, Jesus is teaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath and people are “’astounded” at his authority. Jesus is there at the synagogue with a small group of disciples who also responded to his authority. Just a few verses earlier they were fishermen. …
The Problem With God’s Grace
God’s Grace Problem By Beth Demme If we were playing a game of word association and I said “Jonah,” chances are good that you would say “whale.” When it comes to Jonah, we tend to get wrapped up in questions about if, how, and why Jonah spent three days in the belly of a fish. But really, Jonah is a …
Why Renewal Is My Word for 2018
My Word for 2018: Renewal By Beth Demme My word for 2018 is renewal. Re-new-all. Make everything new again, or at least as much as I can. Some people complain that the world today is the worst and that things back then were better somehow. I get it. At times it’s easy to see the bad and hard to see …
The Problem With Knowledge
The Problem With Knowledge By Beth Demme The last sigh of the Christmas season has evaporated. Have you put away all of your Christmas decorations? Is the tree un-decorated and hauled to the street (or put in storage)? Have the Christmas lights been removed and the Christmas blow-ups deflated? What about your Nativity? Have you wrapped each piece carefully and …
Two Keys to Seeing God At Work
The Two Keys to Seeing God At Work By Beth Demme As we’ve moved from Advent to Christmas and now towards Epiphany, I’ve been repeatedly surprised at how unexpected it all is. I’m more aware than ever that I need to be open to seeing God at work in unexpected ways. The Messiah was conceived by the Holy Spirit but …
The Birth of Jesus is All Wrong
Unexpected Jesus By Beth Demme And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.” (Luke 2:7) For church folks this line is so familiar most can probably recite it from memory, even if they aren’t much on memorizing …
Christmas IS About What You Get
Christmas IS About What You Get By Beth Demme “Tis Better to Give Than Receive” – you’ve definitely heard it, and you’ve probably said it. It’s what we are supposed to think about gifting in general, but it is especially supposed to be our attitude at Christmas. Paul even tells us in Acts 20:35 that Jesus said it! Giving instead …
The Irony of A Too Busy Advent
The Irony of a Too Busy Advent By Beth Demme I read a prayer the other day that has really stayed with me: “As water is restless until it reaches its level, so the soul has not peace until it rests in God.” It’s by Sundar Singh and if you happen to be a United Methodist you can find it …
Why I Don’t Believe God Is Harsh
Why I Don’t Believe God Is Harsh By Beth Demme If you had to describe God in only one word, what word would you choose? Go ahead, say it out loud. I’m waiting. Seriously, I’m listening. Go ahead and say it. Ooooh, good word! (I mean, probably. You probably chose a good word. I can’t actually hear you.) I worry …
Bible Beware
Bible Beware By Beth Demme It’s tempting. Really, it is. It’s tempting to read the Bible thru a lens of “we’re in, they’re out.” When it comes to faith, too many of us have been fed a steady diet of us v. them. We have developed an almost insatiable need to be sure we are “in,” compelling us to identify …