Step Toward Others in Love, Even If They Hate You For It By Beth Demme I was going to title this, “Why I’m Choosing Sides and Praying for Nazis,” but I was afraid you wouldn’t read it. I am, however, choosing a side. I choose humanity. And I am praying for the Nazis, White Supremacists, Alt-Right, and all those who …
Stepping Out In Faith
Stepping Out in Faith By Beth Demme Has anyone ever told you to take a leap of faith? It can sound irrational, even dangerous. For example, in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, one of the last challenges Indy faces as he searches for The Holy Grail is a “leap of faith” across a deep chasm. When he steps out …
It’s Not About What You Can Do
It’s Not About What You Can Do God Can Make Abundance From Nothing By Beth Demme I know you know the story. The story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand. Jesus wanted a little peace and quiet to mourn the death of John the Baptist. He tried to go off by himself, but the crowds followed him. Jesus put …
Speechless Prayers Might Be Your Best Prayers
Some moments in life leave us speechless. Sometimes wonder, or gratitude, or disbelief, or grief seem to steal our words. Sometimes I want to pray, but there are no words. Other times the words come, but I know they are not enough. There are times when I am awe-struck by the beauty of creation or the gift of another day. …
You Are A Good Egg
You Are A Good Egg (Willy Wonka Theology) By Beth Demme Remember Veruca Salt? The spoiled brat who got to tour Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory? Her tour ends in the Golden Egg Room. She runs all over the room, having a fit and making a mess because Wonka won’t sell her father a Golden Goose. Her tirade ends when she …
Check Your Soil
Seeds of Love Have Been Sown In You By Beth Demme I know many people who have beautiful stories about their conversion to Christianity. I love those stories! However, I don’t have a story like that. Not exactly. Because I grew up in the church, I don’t have a day circled in red on the calendar that marks my “before …
God Chooses You
God Chooses You By Beth Demme Last week I shared my thoughts on how some Christians take on legalism and judgmentalism instead of the yoke Jesus offers. Like the Pharisees, they focus on the letter of the law instead of the spirit of the law. I think Jesus releases us from the prison of self-righteousness. We don’t have to try …
Wearing the Right Yoke Leads to Freedom
Wearing the Right Yoke Leads to Freedom By Beth Demme “Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden …
Why I Mumble the Lord’s Prayer
Why I Mumble the Lord’s Prayer By Beth Demme I love it when we recite the Lord’s Prayer in worship, but recently I started mumbling it. On purpose. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And …
Jesus Was Amazed By An Outsider
Jesus Was Amazed By An Outsider By Beth Demme Picture the scene. A Roman soldier, a Centurion in charge of 100 men, comes to see Jesus. There’s been an accident or maybe an illness. The Centurion’s servant, someone important to him, has been paralyzed. The Centurion comes to Jesus, sure that Jesus can help. The Centurion comes as a man …