Boat Theology By Beth Demme You know the passage in Matthew where Jesus walks on the water? Jesus and the disciples feed over five thousand people with only five loaves and two fish. (Matthew 14:17-21) Jesus then herds the disciples into a boat and sends them across the Sea of Galilee. Later, Jesus was ready to join them and “he …
God’s Love Comes Before Your Mistakes
What if God’s Love Comes Before Your Mistakes? By Beth Demme It surprised me. I didn’t expect to find new, and personal meaning, in a concept as old as shepherding. I was studying John 10:1-10 for a recent sermon. In this passage, Jesus refers to himself as the shepherd and also the gate. My favorite part of this passage has …
No Sacrifice on the Sundays in Lent
The Sundays In Lent Don’t Count By Beth Demme Lent is a season of the Christian Year where Christians focus on simple living, prayer, and fasting in order to grow closer to God.” Rev. Penny Ford Many people choose to give up something in Lent as a devotional act. Some people give up chocolate, desserts, or all sweets. Others sacrifice …
Are You A Work In Progress?
Are You a Work in Progress? By Beth Demme I’ve written before (here, here, and here) about how I love the Old Testament. One of my favorite Old Testament heroes is the long ago judge of Israel, Gideon. (Judges 6-8) I appreciate Gideon’s story not because of his heroism, but because of his lack of it. Gideon teaches me that …
The Power of Apology
The Power of Apology to Soften the Heart & Open the Mind By Beth Demme Apologies are powerful things. I learned this first-hand when I practiced law full-time. I often represented nursing homes being sued for negligence in the death of a resident. You might not believe me, but most of the time people in nursing homes die of natural …
Wholeness and Doughnuts
Wholeness and Doughnuts By Beth Demme If you were a doughnut, what kind would you be? Would you be a delicious hot glazed Krispy Kreme, fresh off the conveyor belt? Would you be a Dunkin’ Donuts Old Fashioned, ready to dive into a hot cup of coffee? Or are you a jelly-filled doughnut, sweet and surprising inside? I know this …
Mercy for My World and MySelf
Praying for Mercy for My World and MySelf By Beth Demme Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison, Kyrie Eleison. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy. It’s an old, old prayer from around the 300’s. This prayer is almost too simple in its construction. It is, perhaps, too Roman Catholic for someone like me who was raised in a Protestant …
What Is Worry Costing You?
What Is Worry Costing You? By Beth Demme I recently spent several days worrying about my family’s health insurance plan. This isn’t a political statement; I wasn’t struggling with whether the Affordable Care Act should stay or go. We went to get a prescription filled and the pharmacy said it wasn’t covered. At first, I assumed it only appeared the …
Happiness Is a Heart Condition
By Beth Demme In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus preached: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” (Matthew 5:8, NRSV) This is also translated, “Happy are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Happy. I like being happy, feeling happy. I’m not a student of New Testament Greek, but I can tell you …
To Follow Mary’s Example This Advent We Have to Know God
To Follow Mary’s Example This Advent, We Have to Know God Or: Why Mary is Better than Moses and Paul By Beth Demme The Virgin Mary is often extolled as an example of a willing servant, especially this time of year. It is true, Mary is the ultimate example of what can happen when one woman says yes to God, …