Why I Like to Make Fun of Christians

Beth Demme Blog 1 Comment

By Beth Demme I recently had this conversation with a friend: “I’m not on Twitter. I don’t even know what I would use it for,” my friend said. “Oooooh!” I jumped in excitedly. “I use it, mainly, to make fun of Christians.” “But, aren’t you a Christian?” she asked. “Yes! And there is soooooooo much to work with!” I replied. …

Doubts at Easter are Okay

Beth Demme Blog 5 Comments

By Beth Demme I went to church and saw a dead finger. It wasn’t my church and, luckily, the finger wasn’t just sitting there. I was in a church in Rome called the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem. We wound our way through the church to a special room with several reliquaries (containers for holy objects). One of the …