I spent the week pausing to #NoticeTheBeauty around me. This particular week blended the last of my family’s summer fun with the beginning of a new school year. The busyness made it the perfect week to intentionally notice the natural beauty around me and the beautiful moments in my life. I noticed the natural beauty of fawns feeding in the …
The Notice the Beauty Challenge
By Beth Demme I tend to be a task-oriented person. I like to have a plan for each day or at least a list of things I hope to accomplish. For some people, the perfect Saturday involves waking up late and then “going with the flow.” To me, that sounds like the worst Saturday ever. Days like that feel wasted to …
Strategies From An Angry Mom
By Beth Demme I was standing at the stove the other night boiling water for spaghetti. As I stood there mindlessly watching the pot of water, my mother’s sweet voice rang through my mind, “a watched pot never boils.” It’s an old expression about the passage of time and how everything seems to take longer when we’re waiting, but lately …
How to Find Beauty in the Unexpected
Living Expectantly Part 4: How To Find Beauty In the Unexpected By Beth Demme This month on the blog we’ve looked at what happens when life isn’t quite what we expected. How can we live loved when we don’t live up to our own expectations or life is harder than it should be? Does God think I’m a failure? Is …
Is It Okay To Complain?
Living Expectantly, Part 3: Is It Okay To Complain? By Beth Demme How many choices do you think you’ve made so far today? Maybe it’s early enough that it’s been simple: Coffee? Yes! Decaf? No! Maybe your day has been longer or harder and you’ve already conquered a full buffet of choices. Unless you’re a hermit, you’ve probably made decisions …
Does God Think I’m a Failure?
Living Expectantly, Part 2: Does God Think I’m a Failure? By Beth Demme Last week we started looking at what it means to live expectantly, instead of living with expectations. Do you think God has expectations for you? Have you ever wondered if God thinks you’re a failure? As I shared before, I once ordered a bar stool, but I didn’t …
What Happens When Life Isn’t What I Expected?
By Beth Demme Have you ever received something you really wanted, only to discover it wasn’t at all what you expected? I do a lot of online shopping (probably too much). Every once in awhile, I get something that isn’t what I expected. One time I ordered a bar stool, but I didn’t check the dimensions well enough. When it …
What To Do When A Stranger Calls You A Bad Mom
By Beth Demme I think we all have a soundtrack, or maybe a movie reel, that plays in the background of our thoughts. Sometimes mine goes negative and gets loud. I should be in control of my own soundtrack, but when a stranger went out of her way to call me a bad mom, I realized how easily my soundtrack could …
Stop Believing The Lies
By Beth Demme For the last couple of years, I’ve worked with middle-school girls in the youth group at our church. The girls are at the beginning of the journey to figure out who they are and who they want to be. I love watching this journey, despite the jerky starts and stops. Last year one of the girls asked …
The Problem With Father’s Day
By Beth Demme As we approach Father’s Day this year I’m in the midst of an emotional quandary, pulled between grief and celebration. It’s already been 16 months since my father passed away, but it seems like we were chatting and laughing together yesterday. His absence from my life is palpable and bottomless. In these months, nearly a dozen of …