When I teach Bible 100, I spend a lot of time on Genesis. I spend a disproportionate amount of time on this one book because it sets the foundation for the 65 books that follow. Genesis can be controversial. It raises questions about literalism, science, history, timelines, miracles, and more. I think I’ve allowed those bits to overshadow an important foundational principle …
God Is Big Enough For Our Disagreements
I tried. Honestly, I tried. I joined a Facebook group based on a version of Christian theology I knew I didn’t entirely agree with. I hoped to learn something by observing the conversation. Disagreement doesn’t scare me; I’m comfortable admitting there is a lot I don’t know. Plus, I try not to insulate myself with only like-minded people. I want …
Not Just Another Nobody
Have you ever met someone who was completely defined by their appearance? About five or six years ago I met a former Miss Universe. She was incredibly beautiful, but also articulate, kind, charming, and easy to be around. There’s a “but” in that sentence because she wasn’t what I expected. I expected just another pretty face, but she turned out …
How To Find Peace
I often “find” myself in the stories of the Bible (it’s one of the reasons I keep reading), but recently I found myself in a new way in one of the old stories (which is another reason I keep reading – the words don’t change, but my understanding does). In Luke 7, Jesus is having dinner at the home of …
Measuring Your Child’s Value
{This is a guest post I wrote for a blog-series called: “Helping Children Build A Strong Sense of Self-Worth.” Take a minute to read the whole series here or here. Thanks to Lisa and Tanya for encouraging moms to think and write about this topic and more.} Early in our children’s elementary school experience I learned to dread “The Weekly Folder.” Very early. …
I Wish I Could Earn God’s Love
I like to be seen as capable and competent. I like it when people ask me to be in charge or take on a leadership role. I like it when people tell me I’m doing a good job. As I’m learning, learning, learning to live loved I see how my desire to be seen as a capable and competent person has …
Happy Blog-day!
They say 1 dog year = 7 human years. If that’s true, I think 1 blog year = about 17 thousand million human years. One year ago this week I launched this blog so I’m basically an expert on this. To mark the one year anniversary, I’m going back to the beginning. This is one of the first things I …
Solitude Cures Loneliness
Last Fall I was in Colorado, attending a conference by myself. The conference was at a beautiful resort in an idyllic mountain setting. My room had a big comfy chair and French doors I could open to enjoy the cool Fall breeze. It was an ideal place to be alone. The night before I was scheduled to leave, the front desk clerk …
Why The Disciples Were Disappointed at Easter
I love Easter! I bounce into Spring, happy the dreary days of Lent are over. I look forward to Easter Sunday, with full pews, pretty dresses, and our family’s annual Easter party. I like Easter because I like happy endings. I love that the Easter story ends with Jesus triumphantly defeating death. Way to go, God! But this year I …
Be The Boss
Be The Boss Of Your Own Life, Stop Letting Your Schedule Run You “Now that I’ve had the taste of running something, I don’t think I could go back,” my husband said as we pondered the benefits (and challenges) of being self-employed. Self-employment is something a lot of people talk and write about. Often they talk about it wistfully as …