Be The Boss Of Your Own Life, Stop Letting Your Schedule Run You “Now that I’ve had the taste of running something, I don’t think I could go back,” my husband said as we pondered the benefits (and challenges) of being self-employed. Self-employment is something a lot of people talk and write about. Often they talk about it wistfully as …
How Traveling Makes God Bigger
“What dam?” my sweet daughter asked innocently. “What dam?!” I responded incredulously. My tone conveyed how very annoyed I was by her question. Partly I blame the heat. Afterall, it was 110℉. Partly I blame sweet daughter. How could she ask that question? How could she have missed the d‑a‑r‑n dam! We had just completed a two-hour float trip at …
Spring Clean Your Attitude in 3 Steps
I was standing in my closet the other day, contemplating how badly it needs to be cleaned out. Standing there and thinking wasn’t as productive as actually cleaning it out, but —to be honest— I still felt like I accomplished something. Standing there, I came face to face with reality. My closet is crowded with stuff I don’t need. There …
God Knows I’m Trying
You’ve probably seen this video showing a group of ducklings struggling to follow Mommy Duck up the stairs. If you haven’t seen it, take ten seconds to watch this part of it — it will make you smile! What you see is the twelfth little duckling trying to hop to the top. Eleven have managed, but he seems unable to conquer the …
How to Reduce Fear By Asking What-If
What if? What if? What if? Is it just me, or does each day hold a million or more what–ifs? When I’m at my best (emotionally healthy with a properly adjusted perspective), the what-ifs excite me. What if I get invited to speak at such-and-such? What if I hear back from so-and-so? What if today God uses me to plant …
The Internet Almost Ruined Easter
The internet can ruin anything. It’s true. You probably know better than to Google your symptoms when you feel sick, but that’s just the beginning. Never ask Google when the world will end, what diet soda will do to your health, or what “defects” the FDA permits in our food. Trust me, you don’t want to know. You may think it’s safe to Google …
Now Available: Un-Boring the Bible
I tried many times to make myself read the Bible. It was a part of my daily to-do list that often went un-done. Regular Bible reading wasn’t happening for me because it wasn’t any fun. Reading the Bible was hard, confusing, and sometimes scary. Reading fiction about Biblical characters sparked my curiosity and transformed Bible reading from a surplus item on my to-do …
Is the Bible boring?
Is this how Bible study makes you feel? Yep, I know. It’s one of those things “good Christians” aren’t supposed to say. But since “good Christians” are supposed to be honest, let’s just admit it — sometimes reading the B-I-B-L-E is B-O-R-I-N-G. But it doesn’t have to be! Coming soon: How to Un-Boring the Bible!
A Spark More Powerful than the Church
I’ve already admitted to you that I nearly let feelings of intimidation, rebellion, embarrassment and fear keep me from discovering the beauty of the Bible. (Click here to read that post.) Ultimately, a spark of curiosity fanned into a flame that turned those feelings into a pile of ash. I’ve spent most of my life attending and participating in church. …
I’m Normal AND I Read the Bible
Every once in a while, a bumper sticker catches me by surprise. About a year ago, the truck you see in the picture was in front of me at the gas station. I don’t know how you feel about these bumper stickers, but they make me sad.